Tuesday, May 8, 2012

4.26.2012 Vancouver Day 3.5 The Aquarium

Get ready for a seemingly endless photo stream of aquatic life.

And go!

The Vancouver Aquarium was impressive. I managed to take in the beluga whale show, the dolphin show, and a 4D movie (highly recommended!); touched starfish and green anemone; and got sucked into an insanity-inducing scavenger hunt.

Those PETA/SeaShepards people/documentaries really did a number on me. Even though the show was wonderful, all I could think about was how small the tank seem to be for the three belugas, and how the aquarium had any time to do the research on belugas they claim to do when there are three shows a day, seven days a week. Arghhh!!!! Give me back my ignorance PETA!!! Thanks a lot for ruining what should have been a perfectly enjoyable show.


The dolphins seemed to be having fun, at the very least. Imagine coming across them out in the wild, being all playful. How amazing would that be?

I saw one of the dolphins playing with his food by repeatedly tossing and catching it with his mouth. It was really adorable. Still, couldn't help but think that he must be bored out of his mind, being cooped up like this, not able to swim as fast as he wants to, or just go wherever he wants to go.

Okay, now that everyone's all sad and depressed (sorry about that!), let's move on with the rest of the aquarium.

Everyone likes babies. And it happens to be Babies Month at the Aquarium. So behold baby seahorses, baby wolf-eels, and baby jellyfish! Do you feel better now?

Oh look! Pretty fishies! Pretty anemones! Pretty corals! Pretty frogs! Pretty jellyfish! Pretty pretty pretty!

Touching green anemone was a such strange experience. They stick to your hand almost immediately. It was almost like touching micro-velcro.

Below: The incredibly playful sea otter who enjoys public displays of self-scratching and tail-biting.

A fun fact that I could have done without. Poor guy looks sad, as if it knows it's being called a "chicken."

What luck! Apparently, it is very rare that the Giant Octopus comes out in plain sight.

Shark feeding frenzy. What a crazy job that is, feeding the sharks everyday.

These little guys are just too cool-looking not to be included. A-ten-hut!

Birds at an aquarium?!?! Do my eyes deceive me?

First birds, now a sloth? Oooookay.

Now back to our regularly scheduled aquatic life. I give to you, the sea turtle!

Remember how I had arctic char for dinner on the train?

That's these guys right here. Sorry guys, it was likely a distant cousin of yours. If it makes you feel any better, he/she was really delicious.

The story of how I went crazy in the aquarium in less than 90 words.

The Vancouver Aquarium has a scavenger hunt game where you collect QR codes hidden all over the aquarium using your mobile device. Needless to say, it took me over an hour and millions of brain cells tracking down the last couple of codes because I just couldn't let it go. When completed, you claim your prize – this sad-looking pin (which I may have already lost.)

Yay me...?!?!

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