Sunday, May 6, 2012

4.24.2012 Victoria (Part II)


There is a small beach just a couple of blocks from the Emily Carr house. It was still raining at this point but the view was fantastic. The beach actually smelled like what the ocean is supposed to smell like, kelp and more kelp. It made me hungry for miso soup.

The ramp to the beach was pretty slippery. Good thing I was wearing new shoes. Slipping and breaking my arm in Victoria was definitely not how I want to remember this trip.

Look at those beach pebbles. My favourite are the speckled ones. Don't they look like quail eggs?

I'm touching the Pacific Ocean! Sweet! I've now been to both sides of the Pacific Ocean. That just leaves the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean.

I'm not sure what possessed me at that moment, but I decided to climb over those rocks to the other side of the beach. For some reason (and please do not psychoanalyze this), I didn't want to go back the way I came from. Further up and further in!!!

Once again, I'm so glad my brother convinced me to wear new shoes on this trip. This story could have turned out so much worse.

So there I was, climbing over the slippery rocks, made even slipperier by the rain. I see a beach, but no stairs. Hmmm, that's okay, I'll just continue on, there must be another set of stairs further up the beach. Another set of rocks, another beach. Still no stairs. Huh! Interesting... Eventually I did manage to to get back to street level, but I think I'll take that story to the grave.

Left and right: the aforementioned slippery rocks.

Anyhoo, after I got back to street level and civilization, I was at a total loss location-wise. I knew I was in a park along the shore but wasn't sure which one.

So I did what I do best, kept walking. For a while, I had this puppy for company.
Even though I was temporarily lost, it didn't mean I lost my appreciation of the view.

Along my meandering, I came across this.
The World's Tallest Totem Pole. How cool is that?

Eventually I made it to a main street with a coffee shop and some much needed internet. Chai latte in hand, I was ready to walk on.

Craigdarroch Castle, here I come.


  1. wait, what the crap, I didn't know there was a beach near Emily Carr's house!!!

    1. Yep, Google Map it and you'll see it. There are beaches dotted all along the southern edge of the island.
