Sunday, May 6, 2012

4.24.2012 Victoria (Part I)

The Plan: 

The bus station at the ungodly hour of 6am. And then the ferry at Tsawwassen (I think it's pronounced tsa-WA-sen, but ferry's PA system was pretty murky on enunciation.)

The view from the ferry.

There were so many people sleeping on the ferry. Not that I blame them, especially if they, like me, have been up since 5am in order to catch the first ferry out.

Then it was another hour-long bus ride into Victoria.

The first stop of the day: The Fairmount Empress Hotel.

I only got a glimpse of the interior but what I saw was really beautiful. Just imagine the history. Maybe someday I'll go and have high tea at the Empress Hotel. Wouldn't that be something? Not sure if I would ever stay at the Empress Hotel. The place seems like a prime candidate for the supernatural. (Sidenote: how did it not occur to me to check out some of the locations where Supernatural has filmed until now? Smart move, self...)

An statue of Captain James Cook out front (Just wikipedia'd him. Did you know he was stabbed to death in Hawaii at age 50? And here I was, thinking he lived to a ripe old age in England, telling tales about his daring explorations to young laddies and lassies. How is it that Hollywood hasn't made a movie about this guy yet?)

The BC Parliament Buildings. I made it just in time for a tour. Nice!

Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Window. Did you know that this window was tucked away in a corner for more than 50 years before someone found it?

The stained windows in the building is really quite something. At both stairways, there are stained windows with various quotations. Not sure if I understand all of them, but they sure are pretty to gaze upon.

"The virtue of adversity is fortitude"; "Discretion is the perfection of reason and a guide to win all the duties of life"; "The virtue of prosperity is temperance"; and "Industry hath annexed thereto the fairest fruits and richest rewards."

The Rotunda.

The special entry reserved for Heads of State.

Look! Pretty floor mosiac.

The BC Coat of Arms.

Unique water fountain near the souvenir shop. Were people much shorter back in the days? Because I had to stoop pretty low to get a drink of water.

The tree in front of the BC Parliament Buildings. Such an unique looking tree.

Never seen tree branches behaving quite like this. This is one strange tree.

The view from under the tree. An interesting view. Doesn't it look like something straight out of a fairy tale? The tree bids the weary hero, for it is the entrance to the enchanted kingdom where the golden raven lies in wait...

If you have the chance and the time, talk a walk down Government street. The gardens and houses are something out of a dollhouse catalogue.

Emily Carr's House.

The gate was open but the house itself is only open from May-September. The garden looked lovely though. I even tried looking through the windows (in true creeper fashion) but it was all dark inside.

Drat! Maybe Emily Carr and I are just not meant to be.

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