Thursday, May 3, 2012

4.22.2012 The Rockies

Although I do wish that the weather was a bit nicer during the time spent in the Rockies, the grey skies over the mountains created its own unique and distinctive atmosphere. At the very least, I was very glad to still see snow on the mountaintops.

The poor weather also gives me a great excuse to go back.

So many cameras. All set to capture that one perfect shot.

The Case of the Mysterious Tunnel. According to the guidebook, we were supposed to pass through a 1700 feet tunnel at mile x. This mysterious tunnel never came to pass. Instead, we passed through this shorter tunnel at a much later time. Where did that tunnel go? The guidebook I'm referring to was published by ViaRail in 2009. So unless they changed the train route (which the dome attendant assured me that they did not), it will have to remain a mystery. Curiouser and curiouser.

 And then it started to rain.

One of the sights I was most excited to see was Pyramid Falls. It cannot be seen any other way except by train. I was so nervous that I might miss it during dinner that I actually skipped dessert just so I can get back to the dome car early.

And it did not disappoint. Even in the rain it was beautiful. The train conductors were nice enough to slow the train down so we could have a better look. I was told that at this time, the falls are still half frozen and that when it's fully flowing, the view is even more majestic. 


  1. then it's decided, you have to go back to see the Pyramid Falls in the summer one year and BRING ME WITH YOU. Last part is non-negotiable ;P

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