Saturday, May 5, 2012

4.23.2012 Vancouver Day 1.75 JapaDog

Not one to admit defeat lightly (I will get my Japadog dangnabit!!!), I put my faith in the almighty Google once more. Turns out, JapaDog has a storefront about four blocks from my hotel. And I was off !

The store was small but unbelievably crowded. I got there and managed to order just before a swarm of people descended on the tiny store.

JapaDog does not come cheap. A single Japadog will run you about $6, a combo $9. I ordered the okonomi JapaDog with shichimi&garlic shake fries.
It took about 10 minutes for my order. By then, I was getting a little claustrophobic and skeeved out by the kids and tweens stuffing themselves silly so I decided to enjoy the meal back in the comfort of my hotel room.

Now you see it.
And now you don't.

The verdict: The JapaDog itself was delicious. The fries so-so. Maybe I'm getting on in age, but I don't think I'll be ready to try this place again for a good while. 


  1. what, they have a storefront now?! I got mine from a cart and they didn't have fries then. Yeah, they are pricey but soooooooooo worth it as a treat every now and then.

    1. I looked for the cart but couldn't find it.
      Their storefront is on Robson, about 3 blocks from Ramada.

      Which JapaDog did you try?
