Thursday, October 7, 2010


Aside from the 3 hour delay due to "maintenance issues" (which is always a terrific thing to hear before you're about to travel at 20 000 ft in a big metal box that every instinct tells you that it's impossible to stay in the air even though you know that scientifically that's not true due to Bernoulli's principle), I arrived in Taiwan safe and sound a couple of days ago.

By the way, EVA needs to re-check their definition of "Hollywood Classics" because "The Lakehouse" or "No Reservations" are by no means classics. No no no. Give me "Indiana Jones" (1 or 3) any day. Actually, they prob. shouldn't show Indy3 since it contains a blimp crashing and might induce minor hysteria amongst some of the passengers.

The last two days have been a little bit of a blur, jet lag and all. I do remember going to a great hot pot/shabu-shabu place on day one (no pictures sorry). And I'll do a follow up post for day 2 (when I was a bit more conscious).

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that you arrived safely... yeah maintenance issues are the 2 words you don't want to hear before taking off, but at lest the figured it out while you were still on the ground.
