Monday, October 4, 2010

I am going to miss you, Tim Hortons

So... the original plan was that I would hit Timmy's in the airport, grab a farewell cheese croissant before boarding, but like most plans, it was not to be. There are only two Timmy's in Pearson airport's terminal three but alas both were far and out of the way from my departure gate.

Instead, I settled for a plain croissant from a random cafe/bakery. Thank goodness Pearson has free wi-fi (courtesy of Rogers) for me to kill the time with. Of course, I could opt to sleep on the chairs like so. The arm-less chairs are actually quite comfy.

I can't wait until I get on the plane and can finally crack open my copy of "Mockingjay," which I actually received more than a month ago but waited and waited until this trip to read. You guys all know how little self-control I have (especially if you've seen me tear through a bag of chips/junkfood in less than an hour. Not to mention those cases where I just skip right to the end of books/movies) So this is actually a pretty big step in terms of self-improvement. I feel so mature!

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