Friday, October 22, 2010

Playing catch-up (Part 1 of umm...)

First of all, sincere apologies for the lack of updates. Originally, I resolved to post once a day at the beginning of the trip. Alas, like most of my resolutions, it was not to be.

I've been kept pretty occupied with family events, not to mention the internet that I've been "borrowing" from my neighbour has been quite moody of late, making posting really difficult. I also went to China for a week (more on that later). So the next few days, neighbour's internet permitting, you'll see more post as I try to catch up

So, in case any of you are wondering, I actually have yet to hit a night market. Partly because of jet lag, partly because of family dinners, and partly because of the China trip taking the entire last week out of commission. What I did do before the China trip was therefore mostly in the morning/afternoon. I went to a early morning flea market with my aunt and uncle, which was pretty insane. It's about 4-5 times the size of the Kingston one and most of the vendors are on the ground. You've got your average trinket stalls mixed with electronics (cellphone batteries anyone?) mixed with books mixed with food vendors mixed with fresh vegetables. It was insane, in a very Taiwan sort of way. The motorpeds (Taiwan streets are full of motor scooters - bastard children of motorcycles and scooters) weave through the crowd.

I didn't see anything I was interested in, but I did try several types of "cakes." There was the standard scallion pancake, but my favourite was the one stuffed with seasoned pork and scallion. So good! But my mom says there's a store closer to my house that makes even better tasting ones. Can't wait.

October 10th (The tenth of the tenth month) is Taiwan's anniversary. This year marks the 99th year of Taiwan's inception (Go Taiwan! Woo!). As an overseas citizen, I got the chance to attend the celebratory ceremony.This is me (wearing my Queen's shirt. Go Queen's pride!) at CKS memorial as the giant balloons are being set up. You can see a birthday cake in the background.

We marched to the presidential palace (although it's a place of office, not a place of residence). I saw performances by the military marching band and high school students. They were pretty good. I kind of miss those days where schools actively participated in national events, your average marching/performing/etc...

I actually didn't stay for the whole things. I left right after the presidential speech. I don't really have a good excuse other than that I was starving and in desperate need of lunch, which I promptly got here.
My uncle recommended this place and he was right! This place has really really good beef-stuffed cake (牛肉餅). It was so good that I forgot to take pictures. My bad!


  1. I love the balloons for the parade!!

    is the image of the cake stuffed with seasoned pork and scallion? It looks goooooooooooooooooood!

  2. Haha, I know! I didn't see them fully upright but it was hilarious seeing a bunch of balloon dolls lying on the ground face up/down. The face down ones look like they're being punished (a la "go to your corner").
