Monday, October 25, 2010

Playing catch-up (Part 2 of umm...)

Am sitting in a Starbucks while waiting for my mom so I thought I'd take this valuable time and update the blog.
By the way, Starbucks does not seem to offer free internet. Instead, they have WiFly (a wireless network you can set up an account at 7-11 and have to pay for). Luckily, I was able to crack the Taipei University Hospital's internet. Worst password ever. It's their network name.

Okay, back to topic. I STILL haven't gone all crazy on snack foods like my bro James (we have a competition going on to see who can spend the most in one shopping trip on junk food). It's been lunch/dinner out almost every day and I don't know if my stomach can take it much longer. One of the things I did buy was egg pudding (See left). One of my favs when I was little. It's a classic and has been around forever. The brown layer is like a cross between chocolate and caramel. There are several ways to eat it: 1)You can either mix it all up with a spoon ; 2)save the bottom layer for last; 3) Scoop from the side all the way to the bottom which gives you the pudding with the chocolate caramel but without having to shred the pudding into little pieces. It's like Oreo.

I actually don't remember where I took this pictures but I love the fact that in a foodcourt, there are huge electronic number signs in each stall that tells you when your order is ready. It's more convenient than having to wait right next to the stall and no yelling out numbers by the vendor is required.
These claw machines are still pretty common in Taipei. It's 10NT per try. I HAD to try it at least once (even though I know these machines are totally rigged). I managed to lift one, but it "somehow" managed to fall out of the claws right before the hole. Oh well. I can see how kids can get addicted to these machines. It's the "almost almost almost... Gah!" factor.

Of course, I had to go to Danshui. It's a harbour north of Taipei famous for its old street and night market. Unfortunately, I went during the day so I missed out on the night market. But in the retrospect, it was really nice just strolling down the old street without ten other people trying to enter the same store as you. If you're ever in Danshui, you need to try Ah-Geh (right). It's tofu stuffed with vermicelli and drenched in a special sauce. I don't know what is in the special sauce but IT IS GOOD. A little bit sweet. Kind of like plum sauce but much better. The fish meatballs are also pretty good.
It was 30+ degrees that day. Which made this outfit entirely inappropriate. I was melting walking next to the Danshui river. Always always always bring an umbrella (Invest in a collapsible one that's super light!). When it's sunny, you can use it to block the sun. And Taipei weather is like a two year-old. You never know when it's going to pour all the sudden.

On the old street, there was a patisserie that's over a hundred years old. (FYI, Taiwan government is only 99 years old.) It was so awesome. Not only were they offering free samples of all their cakes (I had about 10 different cake samples. They were really small but really dense and so very very good! My favourite was the one stuffed with date paste and duck egg. For those you unfamiliar with mooncake may find the combination disgusting but trust me, it is good. It was kind of like mooncake but the outerlayer was different). The store was part museum displaying old tools for cake and candy making (left). This is just a small section of all the molds displayed. Look at the intricate craftsmanship. Usually each mold featured auspicious sayings/words along with floral/animal motifs. So crazy! 

Pictures of the the habourfront.

Later days!


  1. oh my gosh I would so be addicted to those claw machines!! I would go after the little round chicks, so cute!

    how much is 10NT in Canadian dollars/cents?

  2. I know right! the little chicks are so cute and they look really easy to catch, but they're not. That's how they get your money.

    10 NT is about 30 cents.
