Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Orientation Highlights I


This is where it all started, the high speed rail to Taichung.
It was my first time riding the high speed rail. About $20 for a forty minute, one-direction ride. I bought the ticket weeks in advance so I could take advantage of the early bird special. Well worth the price. It got me to Taichung in about half the time it would have taken me if I had taken the normal rail.

Met up with the rest of the group. After many many speeches, everyone got shuffled into this massive banquet hall. Lots of impressive performances, but can you guess what my mind was really focused on?

Picture 200+ people all converging on this one tiny buffet table. Good thing I was fast and grabbed some food well ahead of the masses.
This is where we stayed the first night. It used to be a club for the air force (or so I've been told,) which may explain the 80's decor.

This far exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low.) I honestly was expecting something far worse since accommodations for 200+ people is not something you can just whip up, even with notice. 

Look at our brigade of travel buses.

This is our personal team of paparazzi, who followed us every step of the orientation, documenting our every move.

Look at all of us in our funny yellow standard-issued raincoats!

Scenes from Sun Moon Lake 

Tea Egg. Yum!

Mealtime! Aboriginal cuisine.

And I thought I was crazy about stamps.
Onwards! On a gondola, no less.

We're here. The Aboriginal Amusement Park.


  1. Sorry, that last comment was from me.

  2. Sweet! Thanks for sharing!

    If they make more of one of something, you will collect it!

    Damn papparatzi. It was the same for City Mosaic.
