Thursday, June 23, 2011

Packing My Luggage. A Tricky Business.

Heading back to Taiwan during its hottest months leaves me more than a little apprehensive. Dressing light is key. And while I would love to wear nothing but capris/shorts and sandals for the whole summer, pants and closed-toe shoes are necessary for labwork, adding more bulk to my ever-increasingly full luggage.

I'm trying my hardest to minimize the clothes situation since A) I'm going to be pulling this luggage through airport->transfer in Japan->airport->shuttle bus->subway->bus (stairs to/from the subway... sigh); and B) I'm going to need some luggage room to cart home lots of Taiwanese snacks (granted I don't eat them all first.)  

BUT, at the same time, I don't want to do laundry (having no idea what the laundry situation is like at the dorm.) So, quandary. Should I instead bring more clothes as to minimize the number of laundry loads I'm going to have to do?

On top of all this, Taiwan summers are extremely prone to thunderstorms and typhoons. Might need to get a cheap pair of rainshoes to boot (pun intended! hehe)

Finally, a picture after all those wordy posts. So far, I've shifted all my stuff from luggage A (left) to luggage B (right) and back again. Why? Because I'm k-k-k-krazy, that's why.
Luggage B is bigger giving me ample room for souvenirs and junk, giving cause for the initial switch. BUT, it's also heavier, which became a huge liability when I tried to lug it downstairs, hence the second switch. (The non-crazy me wants to yell: Good lord woman! Make up your mind!!!)

Here's my luggage, packed to the brim. Look at my awesome Canadian flag tag given to me by my lovely friends (thank you girls!) A couple more things in there and I should be set.

Almost there!

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