Monday, December 20, 2010

It's all about food (Part II)

Japanese Bell Cakes

These bell-shaped cakes were all the rage once-upon-a-time in Taiwan. They were so popular that people were issued pagers to let them know when their order would be ready. They're filled with custardy-goodness. Supposedly even better when frozen but every single of of them was eaten so I didn't get a chance to test that rumour (okay, I confess that I ate two while everyone else just ate one. They were just so warm and delicious, I couldn't help myself).

Din Tai Fong

The most famous dumplings store in Taiwan/East Asia (It has its own Wiki page!!!). I mean, look at the picture, the dumpling is the store mascot, for goodness' sake!

And take a look at the people lining up. It was basically bus after bus unloading group after group of tourists. The group right here is from Japan. The television monitor in the background is showing customer testimonials. Have you even heard of such a thing for a restaurant? All the servers in this store speak at least one other language other than mandarin. They have little flag pins to indicate the languages they're fluent in.

My dad and I got there super early to line up (I've never been to this place as a kid. Way above my pay grade. My uncle was the one footing the bill, so the least I could do was line up for him).

The famous dumplings. Really good, really hot. Each of them is supposed to have exactly 18 folds at the top. I didn't verify this since I was too busy scarfing down the dumplings. 
More pictures of what we ordered.

Left: wanton soup

Right: shrimp dumplings. Very pretty.

Left: shrimp dumplings - a close up

Right: pine cake dessert. Never had this before. It was interesting. A little too sweet, but interesting texture, really fluffy, but not angel cake fluffy.

I would like to return again, but this place is really for special occasions only.

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