Monday, June 25, 2012

Montreal - Mont Royal

Montreal. As viewed from the Kondiaronk Belvedere on Mont Royal.


After conquering the stairs (my eternal nemesis) up the mountain, this view was a welcoming sight. The last time I was in Montreal, the weather was nowhere as nice. 

Seems like a good moment for some maniacal laughter. Muhahahaha!!!!!

Jumping tracks here. The hotel we were staying at has a pancake machine. Press a button, wait, and two freshly made mini-pancakes come out on a conveyor belt.

Isn't that kind of awesome?


  1. I don't want to belittle your stair-conquering accomplishments, but.... omgminipancakemakingmachine!!!!!11!

    1. I KNOW right?

      If I didn't have other things to do that day, I would just sit next to that machine and keep pressing "start."
