Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekend 5: Saturday (Part II)

Baishawan ("White sandy beach" 白沙灣)
Our last stop of the day before heading back. We had fun in the water but seeing how we had enough sun exposure to last us the rest of the summer, we didn't stay for very long.
Originally, we were going to hike to 麟山鼻, a scenic route not too far from Baishawan, but when we found out that the trail will take almost two hours to complete, we decided to call it quits and leave for Danshui.
A little regrettable, but all the more reason to come back right?
Danshui Harbour
We arrived just in time for dinner and the sunset. A great way to end the day.

Watching the sun set in Danshui. Doesn't the sun look delicious I mean, gorgeous? My photo doesn't do it justice.

We ended up just hanging out by the river for a while. Deeply contemplative just watching the waves crashing against the side of the harbour.

A street artist at work. I thought he was pretty good. The sketch turned out a little creepy though. The little girl (the subject of his sketch) was definitely not happy about it.
And we're home! 
Everyone was safe (albeit, some may have suffered severe sunburn) and accounted for so all in all, a success! :D

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