Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day Three

    It's been raining for three days straight now in Taipei since arrival (hopefully the weather forecast is accurate that the temperature will jump 15 degrees by next week and the sun will finally come out). Not much to do outside in this crummy weather so the cleaning/purging/storing of the apartment is coming along quite nicely. While most of the childhood stuff (clothes and toys) have been given away over the years, there are still quite a lot of dish/ceramic sets in the cupboards. Most of them from the 90's or early (I kind of love the fact 90's style is so distinctive that you can instinctively identify any item from that period. Overly large cropped T-shirt hoodie anyone?) And of course my mother wants to bring them all back with us. Not sure how that's ever going to happen but I'm too jetlagged to point out the flaws in her plan.
    With all the wrapping of breakables in newspaper, it's becoming a constant necessity to wash my hands lest I leave smudgy fingerprints on the walls (which according to my mom is a blasphemous act.)
    The neighbour whose internet I "borrowed" last year seemed to have either wised up or moved since I can no longer find their network so postings will likely become sporadic and in bunches.

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